The woman i'm becoming

"Becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self" - Michelle Obama

To the woman I was

Thank you for carrying me thus far and no further. Your lessons, your vitality and your outlook helped shape the world I live in now. Thank you for allowing me the space to blossom and grow, for telling me when it was time to part ways with such sweet words of encouragement. I couldn’t have done it without you. 

May your hallmarks be a reminder for all to come of exactly what it was I did. May you be the monument of self-love I need to remind myself to boldly push forward never afraid of what’s ahead and always appreciative of what came before.

To the woman I am

I am thankful for your courage and strength in the face of adversity. Know that every tear you shed strengthens our resolve and pushes us closer to glory. To every moment you said I can’t, I thank you for doing it anyway. And for every mistake and failure, thank you.

Life has turned out very differently than what I had imagined as a little girl. It has taken me time to adjust, to accept and embrace all that life has given me. With every new experience, situation or challenge, I give myself permission to choose what is best for me. Now, I am understanding that growing up and becoming who I’m meant to become is not finite but rather a continuous journey.

I have learned to have grace and embrace this woman I am becoming.

Cheers to the woman I’m becoming.

The woman who has learnt that it is okay to be flawed. It is okay to have imperfections, for therein lies the beauty. This woman has realised that there’s no SI unit of beauty and we all have a unique beauty within us, almost a super power unique to us alone.

This same woman has learnt that mistakes are part of life. To err is human they say. Don’t beat up yourself too much. Be patient with yourself. Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them, but if you ever do, dust yourself up and start all over again.

What I’m becoming is also reminding me that now more than ever I need to work on my walk with God and be the woman he meant for me to be, because if He is the Creator then He has the blueprint of how my life should be.

The woman I’m becoming has learnt to value and cherish family because when everything crumbles, these are the only people who will still stay on. They know the real me and will therefore not be attracted to a false idea of who they think I am.

She is also learning to be more outspoken when it comes to what she wants and how she wants it. She no longer settles for less. She negotiates a good deal for herself because she knows what she brings to the table.

The woman I’m becoming understands that there will be dark days, days that will threaten my life as I know it, but I just need to be strong and hold on to the hope that is in God.

This amazing woman reminds me not to forget the simple joys in life, like walking barefoot on the sand, hearing the sound of rain crushing against the window, laughing like a kid and just living life with reckless abandon once in awhile.

Wow! The woman I’m becoming is strong yet weak. An oxymoron in itself yet the perfect balance.

This woman is daily becoming secure and sure of herself, ready to accept both yes and/or no as an answer without letting it get so much to her.

Here's to who l am becoming 🥂


  1. 🥂 to the woman you're becoming

  2. Thanks for this post, I really enjoy your point of view on' The woman you're becoming '. This reminds me of what my mom used to say during childhood.
    Thanks for the post, keep it up strong woman.

  3. Cheers to the woman you are becoming..


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