The truth about resolutions


With 2019 around the corner you'll hear people say "new year new me" in multiple occasions. This points to resolutions they are making to bring about major changes in their lives.

 But l ask myself, what can you do today that you were not capable of, 12 months ago? Don't change because a new year is coming up but change for your personal growth nomatter what resolutions you make. They start with you.

The thing is, you will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to success is found in your daily routine. After all, the last day of a year and the first day of another year are just continuous days.

You see, as individuals we should be able to reflect and figure out ways to improve, but why wait for 31 December to do that? Beware of destination addiction, the idea that happiness is found in the next year, next job or next partner, because until you give that idea that happiness is found somewhere else, happiness will never be where you are.

 Just because dates change does not mean you have to change. The continuous path towards self improvement is a timeless process.

Remember, when u see a new year, see realities and limit fantasies.

Happy new year!!!
Lots of love!!!


  1. I think this is as real as it gets. You nailed it Miss Percy

  2. Thank you happy new year, I have already set those resolutions hope i'll achieve them kkk


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