
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover.” - Mark Twain

Dear Girl Child, Dream and Dream Big. Dreaming Big is not a crime!!!! Stop waiting for the world to believe in you. Go and take up the spaces you love and be the best version of yourself. Spend more time adding value to your name so that Greatness speaks for you. You will not be given spaces because you are female, you will be given spaces because you are competent. 

The starting point of great success and achievement has always been the same. It is for you to, “dream big dreams. To live your life to the fullest, one key factor you need to remember is the size of your dreams. If your dreams are small, you will miss many things in life. You will miss them not because they are out of your reach, but because your limiting beliefs hinder you from reaching them. That’s why I believe it’s important that we learn to dream big. Your life is too precious to be spent pursuing small dreams. Dream big so that you can reach your full potential.

Dream as if everything depended on you. Dream as if resources are endless. Dream as if nothing else matters but your dream. Dream as if the rainbow is in your reach. Dream as if the sky is the limit. Dream as if it is just you and God against the world. Dream as if you had all the diamonds and pearls. Dream as if each star was going to grant you a wish. Dream as if heaven is open and nothing is a myth.

Les Brown, a well-renowned motivational speaker, once said, “Shoot for the moon. Even if a person misses, he will land among the stars”. In reality, we have many dreams, but we may not achieve all our goals because of certain constraints. So, it is important to dream big so that even if we don’t achieve our goal, we will fall somewhere near our goal. When you dream big, you do not put any restriction on yourself. There are no limits to one’s dreams. Dreams are what differentiate great people from ordinary people. Ordinary people only dream about what they can achieve. Hence, they can never carry out extraordinary tasks.

You must have the ability to visualize your dreams in order to achieve them. Without a solid plan and visualization, your goals become a daydream. Daydreams may be entertaining but they rarely produce long lasting results. When most people daydream, they jump immediately to the goal in life; dreaming of the HGTV dream home and not thinking, "If I work hard, I will be able to afford this home one day;" dreaming of being the next American Idol, but not taking the time to learn the words to the song or practice the music. Some dream of owning a boat, but never learning how to stay on course in their career so they can afford one. 

You must reprogram your mind to achieve positive behavior. Visualize the goals you want. If you want a new job, then see yourself in that job. Plan your next move step-by-step, and minute-by-minute. This will build confidence and self-esteem when you apply for a new position. When you see kids playing basketball on the court, they imitate the great players. 

They see themselves going to the hoop just like LeBron "King" James. Watching LeBron James make plays and moving the ball is more than just visualization for the young kids, it's a rehearsal. See yourself as a winner, and you'll be a winner. This is the time to start moving toward the steps of visualization. Keep in mind that if you see yourself as a failure, you'll be a failure. Be careful about poor self-images that you pick and emulate. Remember, some people say, "Be careful what you pray for because it might come true."

I Have a Dream

Great leaders see things not as they are but as they would like them to be. I'm quite sure if Martin Luther King would have accepted the plight of the African American and never dreamed that one day his children would be able to go to the amusement parks in Alabama with other children, or never dreamed his children would be able to sit hand-in-hand in restaurants. If he never dreamed, he would not have had the vision that he shared with others as he stood on stage and talked about "I have a dream." Deeply rooted in the American dream, Martin Luther King's dream was a visualization that could be. He saw the world for what we could make of it and the way that it should be one day.

Build Your Dream Book For What You See Is What You Get

Research and plan your next step. Understand the mechanics of work and how life is but also have the ability to see life the way you want it to be. When you are able to change your vision, then you are on the road to success. Write your way to success by developing a planning book. Do you remember as a child you would cut and paste and draw your dreams and visions with bright colors on big paper? When you become an adult, you put away your childish toys, pull them out again and write a blueprint to trace your footprints with big bold dreams.

Dream it, write it, save it, and then make it happen. Promise yourself that your dreams will become your symbols of achievement. Color your dreams; paste them on the refrigerator door with magnets. Sprinkle a little water of knowledge on your dreams by going online and researching the potential and possibilities of achievement. Understanding the degree of difficulty will give you a time frame to attach to the dream.

Believe in yourself and know that you can accomplish the goals that you have set. Work hard and strive for excellence in all that you do. Be true to yourself and understand, the harder you work the luckier you get. Believe in yourself and your dreams will come true.

Before anything else, though, you should make sure that you pursue the right dreams. You should make sure that your dreams are both fulfilling and meaningful. That means your dreams must be about your contribution to the world. They must be about giving rather than receiving. If you focus only on yourself, you won’t feel fulfilled – even if you get what you want.

With that in mind, let’s now look at some tips on how to dream big and make it happen:

Get inspired by the stories of great people.

This is my favorite way to challenge my limiting beliefs. We often forget that all “great” people started somewhere. No matter what they eventually became, they all had humble beginnings. Reading their stories, especially how they started, will inspire you and open your mind to new possibilities. Here is the key though: don’t read their stories as a spectator. Instead, put yourself in their shoes. Imagine yourself being in their position, overcoming challenges and defying expectations. This will inspire you to have bigger dreams for yourself.

Write down your dreams.

The busyness of life could make you forget about your dreams, so you need to constantly remind yourself. Write down your dreams and put the note somewhere accessible. Even the bible in Habakkuk 2 vs 2 says "Then the LORD answered me: “Write down this vision and clearly inscribe it on tablets, so that a herald may run with it. ". 

Make a battle plan.

Having a dream is one thing, but making it happen is another thing. You need to have a battle plan. As Scott Adams once said, “Losers have goals and winners have systems." Your plan doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, you may have to update it along the way as you encounter new situations. The important thing is that you think about how to reach your dreams.

Pay the price daily.

Your dreams might seem so big that you feel overwhelmed. But remember that the way to eat an elephant is to eat it one bite at a time. Similarly, what you need to do is to pay the price day by day. Don’t think about how big the challenge is. Instead, just make sure that you move at least one step forward every day. If you are consistent, you will make significant progress over time.

Expect challenges ahead.

In working on your dreams, prepare yourself to meet difficulties. Expect challenges ahead. That way you won’t lose heart when difficulties come. You will be able to keep going.

Be careful of the “average.”

Those around you might say that what you are aiming for is too ambitious. They might advise you to just live a “normal” life instead. But living “normal” is not the way to go if you want to live your life to the fullest. So be careful; don’t let yourself get pulled back toward the average.

Go through “flat” seasons.

There might be times when you seem to get stuck. You might see no meaningful progress for a long time. In such a situation, it’s tempting to just give up your dreams. Don’t do that. “Flat” season is normal. It’s something everyone must go through. Keep dreaming. Keep moving forward. You need to think about what you can improve, of course, but keep the fire burning within you. If you do that, a new season will eventually come where things get bright again.

Living normal is easy. Living your life to the fullest, however, is not. It’s a great adventure though.

Dear Boy Child do not feel sidelined. Spaces have been created for everyone, we are pushing your sisters more because they grew up believing that they can't take up spaces.



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